I woke up a little later Saturday, having planned to be at the Third Maine in time for Chef Bray's delicious meal. Unfortunately that didn't happen and I got there after 8 am. After ensuring that the letters to the soldier's I had written would be "mailed", I attempted again to learn to knit.
This is the second go round with my green yarn and once again the creation is scalloped on the sides (not intended) and looks to be a very useful..er...square. I was saved from total desolation when it was suggested that shopping might help. Yes, again I went to the sutlers, this time with the captain's wife. After lunch, Miss Lucy S was kind enough to show me how to play the dulcimer...I am equally talented in that as I am in knitting!
During the day, we saw a soldier accused of cowardice during battle. He was forced to "Ride the wooden horse" as punishment.
In the after noon I watched another major battle: "Hold The Line", Gallant Rally at the Klingle Farm. This was even more impressive then the previous days and I gt to chat with the National Geographic guy again!
Those who know me, know that I just might have a little trouble sitting on the sidelines sometimes. So when the yellow flags went up, and there were soldiers facing heat injuries, I couldn't stand around, the nurse clicked in. I assisted the "Ice Angles" and EMS staff passing out ice and treating a young lad of 17 who was laying on the ground with a headache. Gads I would love to dress as a field surgeon and be at the front lines!!! (maybe next years event )
After the battle there was some confusion as to where some of the Third Maine Men Were. Thankfully it worked out and everyone was accounted for and safe. Still, the confusion made The Captain lecture the men on safety.
After a superb dinner I headed back to the RV
Sadly I did not stay for the largest battle planned for Sunday. Sunday I packed my tent and headed for the highway back to New Hampshire.
My final thoughts...This was an incredible experience... Would I do it again...maybe, the company and battles were great, but the crowds were a bit much for me. Who knows, maybe its like labor and wont seem so bad for the 150th!
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