Saturday, July 12, 2008

Gettysburg 2008 Part 3

My Confederate Day

The first official day "in period" was Friday, July 4th. Excited and ready to go, I made my family drop me off at 7am. But I am getting a little a head of myself. First I had to FIND where to get dropped off.

First we stopped at the registration area and naturally I asked the simple question "Where is the 15ht Alabama". Of course the response was "What regiment?" Yeah, like I am so militarily inclined as to have that clue! They then proceeded to ask me something about Mississippi? the ANV? General Longfellow? Was this a history quiz no one prepared me for? I was then directed to the CSA camps, so we drove there next and again I got the history quiz , this time from a southern soldier. I looked at him as if he had 2 heads. He was a kind southern "gentleman" (A female reenacting as a man) and sent me to the Provost. There I looked up and found my guys... part of the Army of Northern Virginia (ANV) 6th battalion. Sent the car home and started wandering around the CSA ANV 6th battalion area.

I almost had given up when I stumbled across Lindsey and Robbie from the 15th, both in a stressed out and worried state. They could not find the rest of the group who were missing since Thursday. In desperation we drove back to the registration area and found everyone else! Their horse had thrown a shoe (Car trouble) Which had delayed them all.

Making quick work of it, we returned to the camp area and set up the tents. Unfortunately there was poison ivy near by. Yuk!

With the camp set up, checked my watch. It was 9 am and I planned to attend a class in the activity tent at 10:30. Robby and Lindsey dropped me off at the hay wagon stop on their way to town. I could see the tents way across the road. Didn't seem far but every wagon that arrived was full so I spent 20 minutes waiting for a ride! By the time I got to the tent, the class was half over .. I consoled myself by going shopping at the sutlers...again.

I was delighted to run into Tracy W from the Third Maine and we went the suttlers...again. We also attended a Civil War Wedding in the tents before watching the afternoon battle.

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