I found this letter online in my travels and wanted to share.
Letter written to the Philadelphia Hospital Volunteer, Mary Brady, from Joseph Winters in Virginia
CAMP NEAR BELLE PLAIN, VA., January 19, 1863.Mrs Mary Brady
Dear Friend :
There is one of my comrades in the West Philadelphia Hospital (Ward H) by the name of Harry Griffin. I wish you would be so kind as to call and see him as you make your daily rounds.
You are engaged in a good work in visiting the afflicted, and by contributing to their wants ; and surely you will reap your reward in good season, and God will bless you. Every true soldier you have helped shall remember you with respect and gratitude. I shall always remember you myself with deep feelings of gratitude, and I shall never forget the kindness bestowed on me by the ladies.
" A friend in need is a friend indeed."
My arm is still sore.
Believe me to be, madam, yours truly,
CO. B, 7th Regiment Pa. Vol.